Pajama pictures

We now have a new Worley tradition:  Put the Baby in Ava's Elmo pajamas.  Below you will see a picture of Eli in Ava's Elmo pj's.  He is EIGHT MONTHS old!  And they look like they fit him to a T. And of course he looks adorable in them!

Now you can feast your eyes on Ava wearing these same pj's!  As you can see, she is standing up.  She was already walking by this age.  She got the pj's for Christmas, if I remember correctly, so she is at least FIFTEEN MONTHS old in this picture!  Judging from the fit, probably even a little older.  She started the tradition of looking adorable in these pajamas!
I promise you, Eli is not big for his age.  On the other hand, in this picture Ava WAS small for her age!  She has now grown to be tall for her age.  Amazing what time can do!  I look forward to seeing another grandbaby in these pj's in the future!  (no, not expecting any more grandbabies right now.)

"As long as we have food and clothes,
we should be satisfied."
I Timothy 6:8


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