Nisswa Turtle Races!

What would a trip to the cabin be without the Nisswa Turtle Races!  I do not know how long these have been going on, but I do know it has been awhile since we have had kids young enough (and old enough to enjoy) to participate.

This was the 52nd Annual Nisswa Turtle Races summer.  It ran from June 3, 2015 through August 19, 2015.  It was offerred only on Wednesdays.  They provided the Turtles to race.  We had to get there early to register, by 1 p.m.  The races started at 2 p.m.  And what fun it was.  They did the races in "heats" of maybe 20 turtles at a time.  It went really, really fast.  And it needed to----our kids numbers started around 190!

This picture was taken earlier in the day.  No one is around.  We had no idea that the Turtle Races were so popular!  We should have, because we have been here before.  But....selective memory!  Remember only the fun parts!

 One few of the line that ensued.  It's hard to tell, but the line stretches way around to the left of the picture and way down the sidewalk.  It was impressive.  This was the line BEHIND us.  You can see Mike and Jay with the stroller.

 This was the view IN FRONT of us in line.  Hard to tell where this ends.  It was a nice, warm, bright sunshiny day.  Wishing we had worn sunscreen!  However, it was not TEXAS HOT!  So we were fine.  Sarah and I went shopping and left the guys and kids in line.

Here are Jay and Mike and Kids patiently waiting to buy their tickets.

Cassidy, Ava, Miles, and Eli displaying their Turtle Race numbers on their shirts.  As I said, we started about number 190 or so.  We were prepared for it to take forever.  Thankfully it didn't.

 Here is the actual Turtle Raceway.  Everyone finds a seat on the ground around the circle as they wait their turn.  The Turtles are in the buckets in the middle.  Poor turtles.  They get used over and over.  The idea is to put your turtle on the start line and then use the water in the bucket to splash on the turtle to get him/her to move quickly to the finish line.  Good thing we get to watch a while.  You can figure out which Turtles are the fastest and sprint to that bucket.  If you are lucky.

 Lucky for the kids (and the Turtles), parents get to help inside the circle.  That's Jay and Eli in the middle, with Ava on Jay's right.  Sarah and Miles are on Jay's left.  Cassidy is somewhere on the other side with Rhett.

 Ready.  Set.  Go.

 Look closely to see the turtles.  Sarah is pouring the water.  Looks like Jay and Ava are using their hands to splash him.

 Yay Sarah!  Miles Turtle seems to be moving faster.

And the winner is....Miss Cassidy Jean Worley.  She won a free ice cream I think.

Lots of good, wet fun had by everyone.  Hope we get to do this again next year!

"May my friends sing and shout for joy.
May they always say,
'Praise the greatness of the Lord
who loves to see his servants do well.'"

Psalm 35:27


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