It is all about ELI!!!

Who is my favorite grandson in the whole wide world?  Elijah James Worley, of course!  Mike and I have recently begun having BOTH Ava AND Eli over lately.  It makes for a busy evening!  We are not used to having two to watch!  This past Friday, we decided to have pizza.  Ava and Pop went to get the pizza, which left me alone with Eli for a little while.  Below is the video I took of Eli reading the newspaper.  He seems to really like newspaper!

He is really fond of Pop.  He was hungry, but would not take his bottle of breast milk from me!  But he was quite happy to let Pop give it to him.  Same story, second verse with the applesauce.  But he quite happily sat at my feet and played with Pop's pen for 15 minutes while we ate pizza.

The next video is at breakfast the next morning with the family at the Raven.  He was quite happy the whole meal.  He has started playing "Where's Eli", and he was just so cute!  I handed Jenni the camera so we could record the fun.  (I realize we may have enjoyed this more than you will!)
Sometimes I get an extra Thursday off from work.  This gives me an extra chance to play with Ava and Eli.  Always fun.  Eli sits pretty well, but we always prop him up with a boppy.  If he happens to wiggle backwards, he is not really good at doing sit ups to get back up yet.
And lastly, a picture of Ava sitting on Grammy's bed watching an episode of "Olivia".  We love Olivia! And Ava is my personal Mac Genius.  She uses my iPod Touch to play all her games. It amazes me that she knows exactly where each game is located.

Looking forward to more time with the grandkids!  

"Come, Children, listen to me.
I will teach you the fear of the Lord."
Psalm 34:11


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