
Showing posts from 2012

Fortnight in Paris -- Adventures in Washing

Ahh, we had been here a week.  We had successfully been putting off the washing of clothes!  We awoke, decided we needed food before we began this adventure!  I have no idea where we ate breakfast, which by now was lunch.  I just know it tasted wonderful.  Of course, the obligatory picture of the meal.  Simple omelette and salad for me, some kind of pasta dish for Mike.  Of course, after this, we had to wander around a bit. Finally, back at the apartment, we began to study the washer/dryer.  One machine does both.  It was rather small, and didn't hold a lot.  It also did not appear to have a setting for "cold".  Of course, I really do not know what temperature "cold" is on my machine at home, much less a French machine.  Our Apartment owner had patiently explained all this to us.  We thought we had it mastered....until we looked at the machine. It looks innocent enough.  How hard could it be?  Everything is written in French, but Mike speaks French

Fortnight in Paris - Pantheon

We are not early risers, even in Paris!  We tended to eat dinner late, watch some TV (in French, of course), read the iPad, and sleep in late the next morning.  Not that we were allowed to sleep too late.  There was construction going on next door to us.  Loud.  We had great windows and never heard the outside traffic, but could not drown out the construction! So, this day, we got up, snacked for breakfast, then I plotted out how to get to the Pantheon on the City bus system.  Truly not hard!  And we really loved people watching and the scenery along the way.  It became fun to point out places that we had been. The Pantheon is on top of a hill.  We walked up to it from this angle.  Uphill all the way!  Turned out there was a bus stop right across to the left.  As we arrived, some sort of religious demonstration or ceremony was going on.  Students from the Sorbonne were parading down the street in costumes of old.  I don't know what that was all about, and did not take pictures.

Fortnight in Paris - Notre Dame

We did so many things in Paris, that I have far more pictures than anyone would like to see!  We took a boat tour, Bateaux Mouches, which was lots of fun, but we saw a lot of the same sights we saw on the bus tour, just a different angle.  So we will skip that part of the trip, and continue on. The second day of our bus tour, we just mainly used the bus for transportation.  And, of course, it rained most of the day!  We started out visiting Notre Dame.  There is a lot of construction going on there, so the front area looked really different to us this time.  We were trying to recreate some of the pictures that we took last time (since we no longer have the pictures due to the computer being stolen before iCloud).  So, here is the entrance area to Notre Dame.                                 You can't visit Notre Dame and not take a picture of Point Zero.   This spot is considered to be the official center of the city of Paris.   So here is our version of the typical picture

Fortnight in Paris - Bus Tour!

We love buses!  We decided to take a bus tour of Paris.  After much research, we decided to use the L'Open Tour Bus company.  They offer four routes and cover an awful lot of Paris.  We were using this as a review of Paris to get our bearings and figure out where we would like to spend most of our time touring. All the bus tour companies have a sign similar to this.  L'Open Tour Bus sign is green.  We didn't realize it at first, but the bus stopped right across from our apartment!  What a convenience!  Did we figure that out the first day? Not until after we finished the tour for the day, of course! It was a beautiful day to sit on top of a tour bus and just soak in the sights.  I will share some of the pictures from that day.  Probably not in the order we saw them.  But at least I know what I took pictures of!  And you will get lovely shots of the windshield or other tourists on the bus, too. This is Opera or Palais Garnier.  We actually went back to tour this