And A Happier New Year!

We were all dressed in our orange and white, settling down to watch the Fiesta Bowl. Can we win? Of course we can!

It was a very long game! We jumped up and down, we screamed, we scared the dogs a few times. We ate a few cookies, gulped some milk down, too. When it looked like all hope was gone, we persevered. We had faith in our team. Mike and I have been watching Longhorn football waaayyy too long to give up that easily.

And we won the Fiesta Bowl! Maybe not great in your lives, but very great in ours! And now Mike has started counting the days until UT Football season starts again!

"Fight the good fight for what we believe.
Hold tightly to the eternal life
that God has given you,
which you have confessed
so well before many witnesses."
I Timothy 6:12


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