Swim Time

I would really like to have a swimming pool.  In my back yard.  Even just a lap pool.  Of course, I don't really want to clean said swimming pool, but I understand I can hire folks for that.  Mike always wants to grant my wishes.  So, we invited the three little Worleys to bring their swimsuits the next time they were at our house.  And swim in our new pool.  Pictures follow of the great time had by all.

Ava is always thinking up something extra to add to the fun.  We also have a sprinkler game that the kids can run through.  Ava thought it would be great fun to add that to the pool.  And it was great fun!  Ava and Miles loved it.  Eli not so much.  I did not take pictures of that, since the water was sprinkling everywhere, including all over me!

Mike and I are sitting in our chairs,  watching and giggling with them.  Mike wondered out loud how they were getting us so wet.  It was a bright, sun shiny day.  We looked around --- it was raining on us!  Didn't last long, but we all had a great giggle.

Looking forward to more times "around the pool" this summer.  It is actually big enough for one adult to lie down in and get some rays, if we wish.  Don't have to hire a pool cleaner either.  Just hose it down!

"So be happy, people of Jerusalem; be joyful in the Lord your God.
Because he does what is right, he had brought you rain;
he has sent the fall rain and the spring rain for you, as before."
Joel 2:23


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