Friday Nights

We get to spend a lot of Friday nights with the grandkids.  We usually take them out to get pizza, or something at McDonald's, Chick Fil-A, or even Chipotle.  This one particular Friday, we stopped by our local park, then went on to church where Rod and Jenni were at a Spanish Congregation function.

Below is a videeo of Pop and Eli on the slide.  Although you cannot hear Eli, he said "Whee" on the way down every time.  I took the video with my cell phone in the vertical position.  When I downloaded it to my computer, it came out sideways.  I finally figured out how to turn it around.
We had a great time at the slides!  Ava is so fast, I had a hard time catching her sliding.  I finally told her to hold still so I could get a picture.

Here is Eli contemplating the slide.
Sliding pictures.

Now some shots of Ava....first one she was too fast!

It was getting dark so it was time to party.  Headed up to the church to see Jenni and Rod.....and to have a cookie or two!  They always have the best cookies.

Eli enjoyed playing a little pool
All in all a fun evening.  Kids went back to our house and took very necessary baths!  Then into their jammies.  Eli went straight to bed.  Ava, as usual, watched a video.  Her current favorite is "RIO", but "Tangled" is still a favorite, too.  I almost have Tangled memorized.  I am sure Ava does, too.

"What good fellowship we once enjoyed
as we walked together
to the house of God."
Psalm 55:14


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