Clues the Grandkids were here....

First clue...balls are everywhere.  All sizes.  Eli likes to throw balls.  We have two of these oversized tennis balls.  Eli enjoyed them.
Second clue...a toy that uses balls, a bib, a pink sock.  Ava is the one who likes bibs.  I still have the bibs I made for Jenni and Jay in a drawer.  She got this one out for Eli, hers is a pink one...currently on the floor.  (I did not take a picture of that, sorry.)
Third clue...a piano and another ball.  Eli is currently enjoying this little piano.  The ball in the background is supposed to help kids crawl.  It does roll around, but basically it has very annoying music to it.  I have never seen Eli crawl after it, but both he and Ava like to roll it and make the music start.
Fourth clue...coloring books!  I love Color Wonder markers!  Ava can color anywhere and not make a mess.  She colors well, and loves it.  Eli was sitting next to her also coloring.  The only difference....he could not get the cap off!  Did not seem to bother him.  He just ran the marker over the pages like he was doing a beautiful coloring.
Fifth clue...a DVD next to the computer.  Ava loves to sit in the desk chair and watch videos.  Her current favorite is Toy Story, the first one.  That is, on the computer.  If we are in any other room, she wants to watch Tangled, or Rio.
Sixth clue...interesting use of string.  This was Ava's doing.  She made a necklace out of the dart blower.  I did not notice until the next day that she had hung it on the TV cabinet before she left!  And I HAD been watching TV!

Final clue...the Longhorn football player that Brock Edwards gave us when he played at Texas is sitting out.  Both Ava and Eli love to punch the button and make it sing.  Thought you might enjoy a little rendition!

"There is nothing better for people to do
than to eat, drink, and find satisfaction
in their work.
I saw that even this comes 
from the hand of God.
Who can eat or enjoy themselves
without God?
God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy
to anyone who pleases Him."
Ecclesiastes 2:24-25


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