First Days for The Worleys 2010

Let me start with the most important First for the Worleys this year!  Ava's first day at preschool!! Ever!!  She started at Young Childrens World at her church this year.  She will be in the Two year old class.  Here she is with her new lunch bag all ready to go to school.  Jay and Sarah both took her.  They said she just bounced on in and started playing.  Good Girl!  The teacher said she was very good.

This is the same preschool that Jenni attended.  And she pretty much bounced right in, too.  Starting a Worley Tradition at YCW!

The next most important FIRST!
First home game for the Longhorns! And of course, we were there! It was a night game, so we opted to stay overnight, rather than drive home at 11 pm!
I am treating you to another picture of our hotel room.  Maybe this will be the year to do Hotel reviews!  This time, Springhill Suites in Austin.  The room was nice.  Perhaps not as plush as the Crowne Plaza, but certainly nice enough!  And much cheaper!  We did not make a reservation.  Just drove right up and Mike asked for the best rate, and got a really, really good rate!
Now, what is this, you may ask.  And, I really don't know!  But, it is towel art!  I have never been on a cruise, but I understand you get towel art in your cabin.  Not sure if this was a kitty cat or a rabbit.  I took several pictures from several angles, and I still don't know!  Certainly impressive though!

Next we headed to the campus.  Parked in our usual parking garage, and headed on campus!  We had a mission to complete!  Baby Eli is going to have Longhorn ribbon in his room, and we were just the ones to go find it!  Ok, it is UPHILL all the way to the University Coop.  It was about 95 degrees, and we are carrying our game gear!  Pleasant walk.  Really, except for the sweating part!  We walked the same route we had walked all those years ago.  I marveled at how perfectly all the steps were spaced on the different levels.  They were so easy to walk up.    Good thing, since sweat was dripping in my eyes!  We made our purchases, and after all that walking we were hungry.  It is now 5pm.  Getting close to game time.
We headed for the campus Chipotle.  Good choice!  We have the menu memorized, so that was easy.  No one was in there (they were already at the game), so that was easy, too.  Mike had just bought a new hat, so I decided to take a picture of his hat and my visor as proof we were there.

Now, off to the game.  Kick off was at 6:10 pm.  We made it!  Remember, it was all DOWNHILL all the way back!  But it was still hot.  There was lots of sweating to do on the way there.  As far as I could tell, everyone in line with us was soaking wet!  I think I get the prize, though.  Even my hair was wet around the edges.

Our seats are great.  Very high up.  Already in the shade at that time of day!  We had a lovely cool breeze, as well.  Had a great time.
Wyoming fans mostly wore yellow shirts.  Can you see them over in the corner there?  Those are the students.  There were adult fans sprinkled all over the place with the rest of the Texas alums.  Much harder to spot.  The stadium is huge, we had over 100,000 fans there.  Can you imagine playing on a field where most of the fans are rooting against you?  And being loud about it?
Of course, I love the Texas band.  And no, I was never in the band.  My children were never in a band.  But from the time I was young watching Texas on TV, I have always loved watching our band march!  Would not be right not to post a picture!
And, just so you know, here is the final score.  We always stay to the bitter end.  It is our tradition to join the team in singing "The Eyes of Texas" at the end of the game.  Get your horns up!

"When the people heard the sound of the horns
they shouted as loud as they could. 
Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, 
and the Israelites charged straight into the city 
from every side and captured it."
Joshua 6:20


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