Happy Birthdays!

Lots of birthdays to celebrate in the Worley family the first part of the year! Jenni ends the year on December 28, then Sarah picks it up on January 8, and finally Rod on February 8. Then came niece Katie's birthday February 24, and then my great-nephew Ayden turned three in March. We celebrated all these birthdays! So glad birthday cake is my favorite dessert!
Yes, Sarah had an Abby Kadabby (spelling?) birthday candle. Sarah picked Chipotle for her birthday dinner. So after a wonderful meal -- we LOVE Chipotle -- we went back to Jay and Sarah's house for cake and milk. Ava was especially excited about the cake!
Sarah did manage to blow out her candle before we devoured the cake!
This is not a birthday celebration, I know. Jenni is going to be a Matron of Honor! And this was her invitation! You will have to click on the picture and enlarge it to truly appreciate the decorations on the brownie.
Rod chose a Mongolian Barbeque restaurant. Another good choice! His friend Renzo drove up from Houston to join us. Then back to our house for milk and cake.
Here we all are, gathered around Rod's cake. What a masterpiece it was! Since Rod barely got to taste his cake at the wedding, we went back to Creme de la Creme and got him the same cake for his birthday. This was an eight inch cake. Delicious!
For Ayden's birthday, we all went to Boston's. Enjoyed visiting with my side of the family. This is Ayden blowing out his candles. Can you guess he just turned 3?
Katie had her own cake. She got lots of help from Emyle and Lucas and Colton. Although Colton may not have been able to blow very hard!
Ava had a good time getting to know her cousins. She and Colten look pretty happy sitting in Sarah's lap.
And this is the only picture I got of all of the older ones together where they were all looking at the camera! The kiddos had fun getting their pictures made. There were so many of us snapping pics, you would have thought they were famous!

"And be sure to take on board
enough food for your family
and for all the animals.”
Genesis 6:21


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