Good Times with My Favorite Worley Girls

Ava just keeps getting cuter! We met Terri and Mike and their family at Fuddrucker's to go over plans for our trip to Paris. We had a lot of fun visiting. Stayed pretty late. Ava loved Jake and Alex! She was so well behaved! And this is the only picture taken the whole evening! At one point Ava met a little girl about her age, and surprisingly about her size, named Ella. She surprised us all by going up to Ella and giving her a hug and a kiss! I think Ella was the most surprised -- she backed off quickly. I have never seen Ava do that before!

We all had lunch together on July 3rd, since Jenni and Rod were leaving on the 4th for Guatemala. Ava and Jenni were looking at a picture of Jenni and Rod's cat, Isabella. Don't they look cute together?

Ava and her Mommy. They always look like they are having fun together! When Ava starts pre-school this fall, it will be very quiet at their house!

Ava and I were playing a game. She would try to sneak around the chair and come get me. If I caught her, I would tickle her. She would laugh, and go running back to her mom. She would peak around to see if she could surprise me. We did this many times. This shot was when I saw her running and managed a picture just as she got to me. Probably one of the cuter pictures of her, don't you think?

I grabbed my camera to catch a picture of Ava reading with her book perched on her toes. She was very involved with the pictures. Just as I snap, she puts her hands to her head and this is what I got! But you can still see the book perched on her toes!

Looking forward to lots more time with my favorite Worley girls!

"Tell those who are rich in this world
not to be proud and not to trust in their money,
which will soon be gone.
But their trust should be in the living God,
who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment."
I Timothy 6:17


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