The Adventures of Isabella the Cat
Mike wondered why we were deemed trustworthy. It must be because Rod doesn't know about the first time we met Jenni's puppy Belle (who now has become ours). She got Belle at A&M, and brought her home for spring break (I think). She left Belle in our care and went out with her friends. Silly Jenni! Belle absolutely loved Sadie from the first, but Sadie did not appreciate the little puppy yapping at her. She snapped at Belle, and Belle caught her own tooth in her lip, and we couldn't get it out. So, that meant a trip to the emergency vet -- never cheap! But the vet couldn't get it out either, so she had to be sedated! And we had to tell Jenni!
Right after he said that, I went to get Isabella. I had left her door open while I filled up her water bowl and her food bowl. Mike had cleaned the litter and shut the door. When I went in, no Isabella!
We looked everywhere and looked everywhere again. Finally, I decided to pull out the trundle. We had not looked there, since it only has about 2 inches of headroom. Well, there she was, perched on the trundle bed. She then ran backwards to the floor behind the trundle, now that there was space. We ended up pulling the trundle bed completely out, with Mike squeezing under the bed ( and I do mean squeezing! I should have taken a picture) to reach her. Good times! We were saved!
Isabella still doesn't like the dogs, but she does venture from the couch back to the trundle. At least now we know the secret! Looking forward to an interesting week getting to know Isabella!
"For he will conceal me there when troubles come;
he will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach on a high rock."
Psalm 27:5
he will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach on a high rock."
Psalm 27:5