Rod's Birthday!

Rod's birthday was February 8. His first birthday in the United States. We celebrated very simply. Rod wanted to have dinner at Logan's Steak House. So we gathered there and took turns throwing peanut shells on the floor. Good food, good fun.

We had cake and milk at Sarah and Jay's. Hence the picture above. There are such varied looks on the faces in this picture. It will be one of my favorites!

Thought I would throw in a picture of Ava playing in her Baby Einstein Play Station. She is really too big for this now, but still loves it. She and Rod had fun playing with the toys.

A fun, relaxing evening. My family is a gift from God!

"And it is a good thing
to receive wealth from God
and the good health to enjoy it.
To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life--
that is indeed a gift from God."
Ecclesiastes 5:19


Being a Star said…
Marissa loved the jumper has well...when she got older she startede to climb it so we had to get rid of it. Great pictures

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