Miss Ava Elizabeth Worley

With all the excitement of having Jenni and Rod here, I have not posted any updates on Baby Ava. She is doing great. Keeps on growing. I still don't see her eyes very often. She still mostly eats and sleeps. So mostly I get to admire her cute outfits. I thought I would add some recent pictures of her while Jenni was here. And of course, I have to start with Ava meeting her Aunt Jenni!

Here is the happy family being presented at church the first time Miss Ava was there. Our church family spends a lot of time praying for pregnant moms and healthy babies.

So we also spend time welcoming them and saying a special prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for the baby and her family. Don't they all look cute! That's Larry Gray doing the blessing.

We have had a lot of babies lately in our church family. This is our Preacher's wife, Patricia Nunley, with Serenity, our youth minister's wife, Feydra Gorsline with London, and of course, our personal favorite, Sarah with Miss Ava.

Miss Ava will not lack for playmates when she visits church with her Grammy and Pop!

And yet another picture of the lovely Miss Ava being held by her beautiful Aunt Jenni.

Miss Ava was a pumpkin for Halloween. She and her parents stopped by the church Funival for a visit. Still pretty sleepy! But very cute! Not everyone can wear orange so well!

And here is the whole family! They all look so happy! And Sarah looks so skinny! And Miss Ava looks so tiny still! She was probably still under 6 pounds here. She has grown since then!

Ok, Ava finally has her eyes open!
I think Aunts are more fun to be with than Grammys! They look like they are bonding, don't they?

Here is Miss Ava at her shower. She was born a week before this shower was scheduled. So we had to wait for her to gain a little weight before we rescheduled the shower.

As usual, sleeping! But still so cute! Click on the picture to enlarge for a better view.

Sarah's mom Susan and Sarah's grandmother got the seats of honor next the Ava.

As you can see, lots of presents!

Remember I said Ava looked good in orange?
One of her newest longhorn outfits!

I think Mike and Jay are already planning Ava's first UT football game. She will definitely have a UT wardrobe long before she gets to go to the game!

Miss Ava did make the rounds to meet all her guests. Her favorite spot was with Aunt Jenni, of course.

I have to brag on how smart Ava is now.
I came home one day after work to find that Ava had written me a note! So clever of her! And that means she had to be awake! Click on the picture to read the note.

And today in church, Ava sent me a text asking if she could join us for lunch! We don't need Baby Einstein, we already have a real one!

Another picture you will have to click on the see the cute little sweatsuit, and Ava has her eyes open! They came over Thursday for Thanksgiving breakfast. Our heater was broken, so she was dressed warmly! And believe it or not, it snowed on Thanksgiving!

Ava at lunch today -- remember the text message? We of course texted back we would love to have lunch with them! We are trying to show off her pretty church dress. And she gave us the pleasure of looking at us now and then, too!

"God's ways are as hard to discern as the pathways of the wind,
and as mysterious as a tiny baby being formed in a mother's womb."
Ecclesiastes 11:5


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