Cabin Time 2015

Oh, the joys of traveling to Minnesota!  By car.  Or two cars.  Three adults, one teen, and three kids.  It is so different than traveling with just me and Mike.  So fun!  The kids were all troopers.  They amused themselves with movies, coloring, singing, and sometimes....(fill in the blank)!  Here is Car Two as they started on our journey!

Eli is four years old.  This was a great adventure to him.  So everything we did was special, I think.
He was now tall enough to clean the back windshield of the Jeep.  And he did it thoroughly!  And had so much fun doing it.

Once at the cabin, the kids all had so much fun swimming in the lake.  I'm afraid I only captured Ava and Cassidy during swim time.  They had on swim vests, but the water wasn't that deep where they were.  They literally appeared to fly off the dock into the water!

Mike Spurgeon always has something fun for the kids to do.  This year it was walking on a rope.  It was so much fun to watch.  Again, I only have pictures of Ava and Cassidy doing this.  I need to up my game taking photos of activities!

When Jay was going into second grade, he lost a tooth on the trip up to Minnesota.  (Shows you how long we have been going to Minnesota!).  This year, Ava (also entering the second grade) continued the tradition, and lost a tooth while at the cabin.  The Tooth Fairy was very good to her.  (Not so sure she was so good to Jay; you would have to ask him).  We put it in a bowl so it would be safe and not get lost before bedtime.

And the proud loser of the tooth!

One day, the unthinkable happened.  The first time ever at the cabin, at least when we have been there.  The power went out.  I mean, OUT!  No lights, no a/c, no ability to cook.  And since the toilets worked on a sump pump powered by electricity, no use of the toilets.  And no use of the water, either. FUN!  And, as it happens, one of our members was in the shower.  All soaped up when the water stopped.  He had to use bottled water to get the soap off.  So, we all packed up and went to town for lunch.  The place was packed -- maybe lots of folks had the same problem?  We took up four tables.  Fortunately, a large number of our group were out fishing, so they missed all the fun.

We left Terri at the cabin to report on the progress of the return of electricity.  The way the problem was explained, it could have taken most of the day.  It had to do with a break in a buried cable near our location.  Fortunately, it came on while we were eating lunch!  Yay! Meanwhile, Sarah and the guys were fishing!  Sarah apparently caught the most in her group.

The great joy in fishing is eating it!  The great joy in this fishing expedition is that the fish was all cut up and ready to be cooked.  No cutting off of heads for us!  And it was wonderful!

That's all for now!  There are more pictures of fun to come!

"But let everyone who trusts in you be happy;
Let them sing glad songs forever.
Protect those who love you and who are happy because of you."

Psalm 5:11


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