Minnesota Memories

It's almost that time.  The wonderful time we get to spend in Minnesota each year.  Many thanks to John and Patty for hosting us all these past years.  Here are a few pictures of times past.  There are a LOT of pictures to go through, and yet I don't have all of them (lost some pictures a few years back.)

WARNING Will Robinson!  LOTS of pictures below.

          Recognize these kids?  Cute!
            Ava's first trip to the cabin.

              Ava's Second trip to the cabin.

Have no idea when this was.  But Jay had his guitar!

    Cabin time.  Our photographer taking a break.

Nertz!  Need I say more :)

              Sweet face!  Recognize her?

These guys are always a lot of fun.  Cousins!

This is my favorite chair!
One of my favorite people in it, too!

Photography lesson?

iPad time, or couch time?

   This couch and that iPad were popular!

And of course, craft project for the cabin!

Tubing fun!  Terri took the kids that year.
I think the water was cold!

More Cousin Time!

Ava and her cousins at the amusement park.

Seems like almost every year we go-kart somewhere!

The two youngest cousins (at that time)

STEAK NIGHT!  A family favorite.
But then, we eat well every night.
We are never short on food.

The view from the back balcony.  Serene.
Never get tired of this.

More Nertz!  Always a game going if we are in the cabin.

The four brothers, doing what they do best -- congregate around the grill!
And fend off the mosquitos.

Love this seating area.
Family singing is always a hit.

A little blurry, but I still love the pic.

Patty the baby whisperer!  Abby loved it!

Many karate lessons have happened here.
Look forward to some lessons with the kids this year.

Our trip to the source of the Mississippi.
Yes, we walked across the Mississippi!

The sight we are all longing to see!  
Won't be long now!

"I remember the days of old.
I ponder all your great works
and think about what you have done."
Psalm 143:5


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