Three Men and A Little Lady

Thanksgiving Day was spent in Austin this year.  The WHOLE Family.  We stayed in a Hootel (per Eli), ate Thanksgiving dinner at Buca, visited the State Capitol, and then came time for THE GAME!

We only have four tickets.  It was planned for Jay and Rod to join Mike and I.  However, Ava wanted to go to the game.  Who could say no to that request?  And so, Three Men and A Little Lady headed to DKR Memorial Stadium.  And it was COLD!

Here they are heading to the game.  They really don't look prepared for how cold it was going to be.  But there were other jackets and also blankets in the car.  Orange and white blankets, of course!

Isn't our Little Lady cute?  I think she had on four layers.  And she still looks cute!  And she was so excited that she was going to the game!

Once at the game, I am told they stood in a long line to get Kettle Corn, and then Popcorn because the Kettle Corn was too sweet.  Our seats are lower this year, so at least it wasn't quite such a hike up there.

You can tell it was cold.  Ava is wrapped up in one of those blankets!  Not as cold as it has ever been, which is why we learned to layer and take blankets!  This must have been before half-time.  There are still people sitting near them.

Still in good spirits.  You can see most folks have left by now.  Were they too cold to stay?  These three men and their little lady toughed it out!  Excitement of being there can keep you warm!  Did they stay to the bitter end (no pun intended)?  I'm not telling.  Pop said Ava could go again next year, though.

Meanwhile, Sarah, Jenni, me and the other grands went out to dinner.  Went to Cracker Barrel.  Were told it was an hour wait.  Oh, well. We said ok.  They must have taken pity of us.  Minutes later there was a table for six.  

Lots of family fun had!  Too soon we had to head back to Ft. Worth.  The traffic was running an average of 25 mph.  We were SO glad to get home!

The highlight of the weekend was a home cooked Turkey Dinner at my sister's house.  Family and good food!  My sister's turkey was much better than the one we had at Buca!  And you can't beat Jenni's Green Bean casserole or Sarah's Sweet Potato casserole.  Oh, and Katie made a homemade pumpkin pie, including crust.  We may not need to eat until next week!

"And how happy I was with the world he created;
how I rejoiced with the human family!"
Proverbs 8:31


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