Minnesota Time

We love going to Minnesota to be with family every summer.  We may see each other on Facebook, but it is not the same as having fun together in a Little Cabin in the Woods.  The front of the house is deceptive.  I couldn't get the whole length in without using Panorama, which for some reason did not occur to me.  Of course, I could have taken it from further back, but then you lose details of the new enclosed front porch, which is really nice!  There are actually three levels to this cabin, and you can only see the top and middle floors here.  Mike and I live in the basement for our week -- where it is really cold!  I love it, Mike uses extra blankets.  :)

Mike and I usually drive up to Minnesota.  In years past, this was a much longer drive!  Thanks to the interstate (and higher speed limits) this is not so bad any more.  We always plan on stopping in West Des Moines.  Last year, we learned our lesson.  We never make a reservation, and we could not find a hotel until we got to Minneapolis, where we gratefully laid our heads to rest in the Embassy Suites.  This year we made a reservation!!!  We also have our own special driving music downloaded to the car!  We love listening to our very own Great-Niece Devon Worley!

Our first stop in Minneapolis was lunch with Mike's twin brother, Pat.  Seems appropriate -- lunch in the Twin Cities with the Twins!

There is always a game of Nirtz going.  Patty and Patsy started it off this year.  This is a fun, quick moving game, that I am not very good at.  I am not fast at cards.  I like to think about what I am doing and I cannot do that in this game!  None-the-less, it is a fun game.  Even if you just watch.

Lots of time spent with John (and whoever else can play, which seemed to be no one this year) playing his guitar and singing along.  We just run through all the songs John knows and then some more.  This year Darbi posted an excellent video of this on Facebook.  My skills as a blogger aren't developed enough to figure out how to post that here, but I can post a link! :

This year we struck out to have an adventure.  We went to the Headwaters of The Mississippi River. (Can you hear me spelling that in my head in a sing song sort of way -- the way I learned to spell it?)
It's in Itasca State Park, and only about an hour and a half drive from the cabin.  This was Mike's idea.  The Park provides you with a lot of information about the discovery of  "Where the Mississippi Begins" which I enjoyed reading.  It's got a small, very hands on little history museum.  I wished the kids were there to enjoy it.  While we were in the museum/gift shop area, I bought a commemorative t-shirt for us.
And, YES!  We did walk across the Mississippi!  
(And I am still spelling with a sing song voice in my head!)

There is more than one way to walk across the Mississippi.  The most fun way would be to wade across.  Then there are (probably very slippery) rocks to walk across.  And the safest way, is to walk the plank across.  Here's a visual for you.

And of course, a group photo to commemorate the trip.  Taken by a friendly teenager:

Afterwards, we made a trip to a nearby Mexican food restaurant, which had really good food!  And they weren't from Texas.  I know I ate too much, but it was good!

We also learned to play a card game called "Hand and Foot" this year.  Quite fun!  And you don't have to be fast to play!  And it does require a little thinking.  And for some of us, a lot of standing!  Our partners were across the table, and I for one, could not reach!

Therefore, my favorite part was when I was the one keeping the cards!

Our last night, we went to a Meat Raffle.  Yes, you got that.  First one I have ever been to.  
You buy however many raffle tickets you want, then they draw tickets for meat.  If you win, 
you get to select from "The Meat Box".  Everyone at our table won that night.  
Rusty won 5 times I think?

When it was time to go home, Mike and I through caution to the wind and decided to take our chances on finding a hotel without a reservation.  We really did not know how far we were going to get before we got tired.  When we did decide, I hopped online and made a reservation.  We get to the hotel, and there's no reservation!  They said they had been booked for 2 weeks.  We show them our reservation, and like magic, we get a room!  A very nice room!  (Mike likes this quote:  If the President showed up unannounced without a reservation, would you have a room?  Well, he's not coming so we'll take it.)  It was a very nice Hampton Inn.

While we were glad to get back home, we surely liked the temperatures in Minnesota better than the temperatures in Texas!  I keep saying we need a summer cabin in Minnesota when we retire!

" You see me when I travel,
and when I rest at home.
¥ou know everything I do."
Psalm 139:3


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