
Abby just turned One Year Old!  What better reason to post!  So, since I did a look back at Ava, I will do a look back at Abby.

Let's start at the beginning.  The day we met Abby, and finally found out her name!

These will be in random order.  Next, a picture of my two babies with their two babies.  A picture I truly treasure!  Taken at Rosa's, which we frequent with the family.  No, we don't always go to Texas Star Raven.

Next, another favorite!  We had family photos done this year.  It was SO much fun!  And we didn't take enough pictures!  Next time, more pictures!  However, it was really hard to choose from them all, so maybe not more pictures?  I loved this one!

I love this one for a variety of reasons.  But it is especially precious because Abby is on a quilt that my mother, her Great Grammy, made for Jenni.

This next one I love for obvious reasons.  Looking forward to October 9!

Another one I love because this is Jenni's dress that Abby is wearing, courtesy of 
her Great Grammy again.  Abby even looks like her mommy did at this age.

Another favorite of Miles and Abby.  They are going to be great friends!

Jenni posted this on her Facebook page.  I love it!  Rod is the best daddy!

Abby's first birthday party was quite the event!  Lots of folks, lots of presents, 
and lots of food!  Jenni's friend Melissa put this together.  Kind of sums up the day!

I think Abby is adorable, but I am slightly biased.  All of my grandchildren are adorable!
I leave you with her one year old picture.  I love this!  Sarah took her One Year old portraits, and there are just no bad ones!  I love this one for a lot of reasons, too.  But also, because you can see her eye color.  She does not have brown eyes yet.  They are just so beautiful.  Hope they stay this color!

"Children are a gift from the Lord;
babies are a reward."

Psalm 127:3


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