Sweet Baby Miles

I must catch up!  Life has been busy the last few months!  Time for another birthday update -- in fact, it is WAY past time for another birthday update!  Sarah and Jay added a new grandson to our family on March 3!  Their children are always so obliging with the convenience of their birthday...they have all been born on a weekend.

 Below the last picture of Sarah and Jay's family of 4.  Well, really, it is a picture of a family of 5, but you just can't see Miles!  Sarah and Jay were on the way to the hospital.  Ava and Eli were coming with us to have fun while we waited for Miles to make his appearance.  Sarah looks fabulous, doesn't she?

NOW, let me introduce MILES REALE WORLEY!  He was born by c-section, so he has a perfectly shaped head to go along with all the rest of his perfection.


We did not get to meet him until the morning after his birth.  He had to spend a little time in the NICU to watch his breathing.  Not too long, though.  It seems he wanted a little alone time with his mommy and daddy.  Not long after we left with Ava and Eli, they moved Sarah to her room, and stopped along the way to pick up Miles.  Just a newborn and he is already wise beyond his years!

Just a few pictures of the Big Brother and Big Sister meeting their newest baby brother.
Ava had done this before!  She was a pro.

Eli did such a good job holding Miles, but didn't want to hold him for long.

Eli was more interested in his cookie!

Love this picture.  You really get a feeling for how little Miles was.
And yet he was much bigger than Ava when she was born.

And I love this picture with Eli,too.  The expression on his face is priceless!

Ahh...life is good!

I leave you with a picture taken more recently of the kids together.
Fun times ahead for the Worleys!

"But let the godly rejoice.
Let them be glad in God's presence.
Let them be filled with joy."
Psalm 68:3


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