Miss Abby Jen Rebolledo
Okay, it is official that I am way behind in posting. And there has been a lot of things that have happened since my last posting! So we will begin with the most important post to date: Miss Abby Jen! Miss Abby Jen Rebolledo was born on June 27, 2013. Isn't she lovely? Jenni labored a long time, and then it seemed like the little girl just popped out! Her eyes were wide open when she was born. I don't have that picture, but ask Rod to see it. It is amazing! First picture of the new little family. I know you cannot see it, but Abby's little hat has her name on it! This is how we learned her name. From the hat. And a beautiful name on a beautiful hat on a beautiful little head of a beautiful little newborn! Brand new baby, all swadled up. Eyes still gooey from the ointment they put in them. Just sleeping peacefully. Little girl all dressed up to go home. She looks so tiny! S...