Fortnight in Paris - Pantheon

We are not early risers, even in Paris!  We tended to eat dinner late, watch some TV (in French, of course), read the iPad, and sleep in late the next morning.  Not that we were allowed to sleep too late.  There was construction going on next door to us.  Loud.  We had great windows and never heard the outside traffic, but could not drown out the construction!

So, this day, we got up, snacked for breakfast, then I plotted out how to get to the Pantheon on the City bus system.  Truly not hard!  And we really loved people watching and the scenery along the way.  It became fun to point out places that we had been.

The Pantheon is on top of a hill.  We walked up to it from this angle.  Uphill all the way!  Turned out there was a bus stop right across to the left.  As we arrived, some sort of religious demonstration or ceremony was going on.  Students from the Sorbonne were parading down the street in costumes of old.  I don't know what that was all about, and did not take pictures.

The Pantheon is a Neo-classical church in the Latin Quarter.  It was originally an Abbey dedicated to St Genevieve.  The main level is basically dedicated to St Genevieve.  Lots of huge paintings to look at.  I took a picture of this sign because two of the men mentioned had Mike's birthday!

This was the main statue display in the back of the building.
We toured the whole thing.  The basement is tombs of famous people.  Lots of them!  Along with a French policeman telling you to be quiet while you were there.

Below the pictures of us as we left.  We walked down the street below us.  We had planned on stopping at a bar on the way down, but somehow missed it!

Nothing too remarkable for the rest of the day.  We mostly just walked the streets of Paris, and just took it all in!  We did stop for a snack at one point.  Even found a place with WIFI.  I had both my camera and my iPhone with me.  It seems the iPhone takes just as good a picture as my camera most of the time.  And it is smaller and easier to get out of my purse.  So, a phone picture of our banana split!  And another version of Cafe au Lait.   It was yummy!

We generally found a metro to go home each day.  By the end of the day, we just wanted to get back to our area quickly!  And I think I had more pizza for dinner in Paris than I ever would have here!  Seems like there were lots of places around serving pizza!  This night we walked down from our apartment to a cute little Italian restaurant.  Only place I remember eating that did NOT have tables outside!  It was yummy, too!

Mike had lasagna, and I did not take a picture of it!  

"So I concluded there is nothing better
than to be happy and enjoy ourselves
as long as we can."

Ecclesiastes 3:12


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