December Fun!

Beware!  This is a very long post!

December was a very eventful month for the Worley gang.  We had THREE birthdays, Breakfast with Santa, Christmas, New Years, and a family dinner with my sister.  And the biggest event went by very quietly - my retirement.

It all started with Breakfast with Santa on December 3.  A bit early this year!  This event was held at our usual Breakfast hangout, Texas Star in Euless.  We had fun, a neither kid cried on Santa's lap!  How often doe that happen?  There was reindeer food to make, cookies to decorate and eat, yummy breakfast, etc.

Next was Jay's birthday, December 5.  We won't speak of his age.  It is tradition now for all of us to go to Jay's house where Sarah has lovingly prepared Jay's favorite meal...well actually it is a Worley favorite as well...Beans and Cornbread.  YUM!

Jay and Sarah already had their tree up.  Kids changed into their jammies and went to bed before we left. Ava dressed up her outfit.

Next event was Eli's birthday!  His FIRST Birthday!  There was a cake for all of us, and a "Smash" cake for Eli.  As you can see, he really got into smashing and eating his cake!

Then comes Christmas.  We had such fun opening presents that I really did not take too many!  And, my camera has been deleting photos at random, so it is also possible that some are just "gone"!
We always have Mike's famous Monkey Bread, and Sarah's Excellent Sausage Balls, and make a grand mess as we unwrap the presents.  No picture of the mess!

We did manage to take a family picture, but also BEFORE we unwrapped anything.  We managed to get a picture with Mike's eyes open, although I had to enlarge the picture to tell that!

Jenni's birthday is right after Christmas, December 28th.  Her birthday was on a Wednesday this year, and there happened to be a fellowship at church.  So we surprised her with a cake at church.

And of course, there was a birthday dinner with the rest of the family on Thursday.  We Worleys do love to get together over food!  We went back to Jay and Sarah's house to have cake.  Ava became Rapunzel and helped to blow out the candles!

And the last major event we had, again without pictures, was The Palmer Girls Family Christmas Dinner.  Every single one of us were there!  And all I have is one picture of the littlest ones!  We put in all the leaves in the kitchen table -- which happens to be my Mother's dining room table, and we all managed to squeeze around.  Now, once you were seated, you really did not dare move!  It was crowded!  This was the first year we have had it at our house.  Should we ever manage to all get together at the same time again, we will make the living room the dining room!  We might be able to walk around the table!

We put the cousins at a card table in the living room, and they watched Tangled while we ate.  Ava is in the back, Lucas in to the left, Ayden in on the right, and Emyle is in the front.  You can just barely see the kitchen table in the background.

It was quite an eventful month!  And I know we must have crammed more fun in there somewhere!

Now it is 2012 and I am just now having time to play with all of this!  I hope to be more organized this year!  Maybe make a picture book out of the whole year!  That has always been a goal for me.

"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else,
and He will give you
everything you need."
Luke 12:31


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