Eli -- Favorite Photos

Here I am again, finally! I do not seem to be on the computer much anymore, and I have not taken a lot of pictures lately. So I decided to lift several pictures from Sarah's Facebook and share those.

I love this picture of Ava holding her baby brother in the hospital. She is so proud to be a Big Sister!

Our little Christmas baby! So cute! He was literally a week old at Christmas.

Ava and her brother enjoying a giggle together. Well, at least one of them appears to be giggling.

Eli sitting up like a big boy in his bumbo chair. Love his little playsuit!

Ava, of course, had to join in on the picture taking. Are they the cutest brother and sister you have ever seen? But, of course they are, because they are Reale Worleys!

I love this shot! Jay and Sarah got some extra snuggle time with Eli one night while Ava had a sleepover at Grammy and Pop's house. We all had a great time!

Too cute! I really like Jay without a beard. Apparently, so does Eli!

What a happy baby! And what a happy family! We are all so blessed!

"May the Lord continue to bless you and your children."
Psalm 115:14


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