Celebrating Ava!

Ava is now a tall three year old!  She measures in the 90th percentile!  Weight in the 50th percentile, so she is still petite.  Hard to believe she joined the family 4 weeks early weighing only 5 lbs even.  Ava loves Sadie, and loves the dog bed even more.  There have been lots of pictures of her on the dog bed!  The absolute last place we want her to be.
Here is Baby Ava when she was first born, with Jay's hand there for reference as to how small she was.
A picture of the Worleys together at Cheddar's.

This is at On The Border.  From the dress, it might have been close to Christmas.  Still tiny!
Ava age 1 enjoying her birthday cake with Aunt Jenni.
Ava fell in love with Elmos very early!  She is still in love with Elmo, although now he has to compete with cars and princesses.  One of our very favorite You Tube videos is Tickle Me Elmo.  We both get a giggle every time we watch it.
Age 18 months, and still enjoying her play piano.  I love this picture!

Jenni and Ava always have a good time together.  Ava has always been a great mimic!
And Ava's love affair with sunglasses began at an early age!  Isn't she cute?
And then she turned TWO!  Complete with an Elmo Cake, an Elmo Candle, and an Abby Candle.
Ava and her best friend Jacob Halloween 2009.  Jacob is a year younger than Ava, and is taller, but then, so are his parents!  Don't they make the cutest Dorothy and the Lion?
This is my absolutely favorite picture of Jenni and Ava!  We should send this one to Braum's!

Okay, I could go on and on!  I am absolutely head over heels in love with my granddaughter!  And now she is THREE!  She spends the night with us, she helps me clean, she helps me cook, we have such a good time!  I can hardly wait for Elijah James Worley to join in on the fun!

So, the final picture!  Ava blowing out her birthday candle.  This year was an under the sea theme.  She loves Nemo, but Nemo party ware has disappeared!

Thanks for walking down Memory Lane with me.  Lots of fun things are starting to happen around here!  Ava's birthday is first -- and we have one or two every month through February!

"But let righteous people rejoice.
Let them celebrate in God’s presence.
Let them overflow with joy."
Psalm 68:3


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