Advertures in Dining with Ava

Isn't she cute?!! Here we are, at breakfast again! With Ava and Elmo. She loves Elmo! She has more than one. She has Elmo bibs that she likes to put on, too. She has Elmos socks, Elmo jammies, Elmo shoes, and an Elmo blankie, among other things too numerous to mention. She gets excited about Elmo and Abbe in books, too.Did I mention she likes to feed Elmo? Here he is, enjoying a big bite of Biscuit!
So, Elmo asked us to give Ava a lemon!

We do get together a lot to eat, so most of our pictures are going to include food. Ava was finished eating, so she decided to climb on her high chair. And we let her. Anything to keep her entertained.
Then she found Grammy's finally very organized purse. I bought a purse organizer 'cause everything kept getting jumbled up. So, it was very easy for Ava to find things to play with!
Moving along to our next meal with Ava. Jay and Sarah were going to the Stars game, so we got Ava early. She joined us for dinner. Doesn't she look cute in her make shift seat! We put her in a armchair and sat her on telephone books (can you believe we still have some!), and put a pillow behind her. Jay was amazed we gave her a real plate, too. We really enjoyed the meal!
A close up of Ava using her fork! She managed to stab some black-eyed peas and green beans and make it to her mouth. She is not so good with spoons. She turns them over and dumps the food out on her way to her mouth!
This is Ava telling me dinner is over, can I please get down and play? Love those eyes!
She went in to Jenni's room and rummaged around. Found some beads and had a great time playing with them.

Lastly, a little video. Ava is so lucky to have Aunt Jenni! Aunt Jenni makes Elmo dance and laugh. Aunt Jenni knows where the cookies are. Aunt Jenni let Ava help her make cookies - did not get a picture of that! And Aunt Jenni knows how to have fun! I had a big empty rubbermaid type container in my room. It became a car. Jenni and Ava road all over the house. This is only a short clip. The funny part I did not capture -- when Jenni would lift Ava up, she would not let go of the box! She would hang on, and teh box just came up in the air with her. Of course, we laughed alot and encouraged her. But by the time I tried to capture that on film, she was ready to quit.

"So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink
and to find satisfaction in work.
Then I realized that this pleasure
is from the hand of God."
Ecclesiastes 2:24


darbi said…
Oh my gosh! I haven't visited in a while, what awesome pictures. Ava reminds me so much of Jenni when she was little.

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