We Love Ava!

So, what's NOT to love about Ava! She is cute, she is funny, and she let's us play with her! She loves to mimic. And she LOVES her Aunt Jenni!
Ava also loves to play with Sadie. Sadie is Eleven Years Old now, and she loves to play with Ava, too. I know it looks scary, but Sadie is very gentle.
Below is a Parent Approved Video of Sadie and Ava playing. Ava is tired, almost bedtime, so she rubs her eyes a lot. It is really not the dog causing that!

Breakfast with the Jay Worleys. Ava is wearing her "John is My Home-boy" Shirt.

This was taken tonight. Rod put Ava on Sadie, and although we weren't fast enough, she was laughing. Ava loved it. Sadie? Not so sure, but she tolerated the fun.

Ava seems to think Sadie is her own special climbing toy. Sadie really doesn't mind!

Shortly after this, Ava gave up. She was ready for a bottle and off to bed in the Pack 'n Play. She is currently snoozing, waiting for her parents. They went to buy her a birthday present and did not want her to see it before her party! I am afraid she is very dirty, but she is asleep. It is hard to keep clean if you are going to crawl all over the place and sit on the dog!

"So I recommend having fun,
because there is nothing better for people
to do in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life."
Ecclesiastes 8:15


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