Minnesota Time
We love going to Minnesota to be with family every summer. We may see each other on Facebook, but it is not the same as having fun together in a Little Cabin in the Woods. The front of the house is deceptive. I couldn't get the whole length in without using Panorama, which for some reason did not occur to me. Of course, I could have taken it from further back, but then you lose details of the new enclosed front porch, which is really nice! There are actually three levels to this cabin, and you can only see the top and middle floors here. Mike and I live in the basement for our week -- where it is really cold! I love it, Mike uses extra blankets. :) Mike and I usually drive up to Minnesota. In years past, this was a much longer drive! Thanks to the interstate (and higher speed limits) this is not so bad any more. We always plan on stopping in West Des Moines. Last year, we learned our lesson. We never m...