Favorite Times in Paris
Looking at all my pictures from Paris, it is clear that if I were to blog them all, I would never blog about anything else! At the rate I am going, I would still be posting about Paris the NEXT time I go to Paris! We did indeed have a lot of fun times. So, to conclude, I will just post some of my favorite pictures. Our group outside the Restaurant/Bar where everyone knows Pat! I don't know how often Pat visits Paris, but at least once a year. When we were in Paris in 2009, we went here with Pat. Everyone knew him. This year, we head in there without a reservation, and the owner runs up the greet Pat and finds a table for all of us!! It is a charming place. Food is good, live entertainment. Amazing! There seems to be a Chipotle everywhere! And actually close to us! Loved visiting the Apple store, which was also down the street from us. It looks exactly like any Apple store I've been in, except for the lang...