Summer Reading
I love to read, but seem to take forever finishing a book unless I am on vacation. I look forward to our trip to Minnesota every year because there is time to read. Mike and I usually drive up each year. That is a 20 hour trip. I cannot spend the entire trip reading, but I do my best. This trip I have managed to read four books so far! You see them posted in the blog. I read The Help first. Jenni gave me a copy. Good, fast read. And I was excited to find out that a movie based on the book is coming out in August. I cannot imagine that it will be as good as the book, but I hope to see it! This book is very popular. In case you are unaware of the plot, The Help is a 2009 novel by American author Kathryn Stockett . It is about African American maids working in white households in Jackson , Mississippi during the early 1960s. Safe Haven ...